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Motivational Speaker - Fire Starter

"Be a leader not a follower". A quote that has stuck with me since youth and has been key factor in molding me into who I am today. I have never been one to go with the flow. Taking the road less traveled however has never been easy. Going where few people have been also means doing things that most won't understand. 


In order to keep going further down the road, where the pavement ended and only dirt existed I had to learn how to press pass exhaustion. I had to unlearn tradition and find out who I was. Tupac Shakur once said â€œI'm not saying I'm gonna rule the world or I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee you that I will spark the brain that will change the world." 


That's who I AM. Not the brain that Tupac sparked but the another provider of said spark. I have also found pleasure in inspiring others and helping them see their true value. My goal is to SPARK as man people as humanly possible. I then pray that they feed their fire as I did, and become who they are destined to be. 

Home: Welcome


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